Disney ParksPlanningTips
Disney Vacation Hiccups and How to Overcome Them

No matter how much time you spend planning your Walt Disney World vacation, there will be hiccups. Life happens even within the Walt Disney World bubble. During your vacations, you will probably come across these minor hiccups. We hope that by bringing them to your attention ahead of time, you will be more prepared when they show up and possibly able to avoid them altogether.
Let’s take a look a some of the biggest hiccups Guests face during their Walt Disney World vacations.
Low Battery, Dead Phones
Now more than ever, it is essential to have access to a smartphone during your Walt Disney World vacation. It is through the My Disney Experience app that Guests can stay in the know throughout their trip. They can mobile order, see wait times, use Genie+, and much more.
If you end up with a dead phone in the middle of the day, this can significantly impact your magical experience in the Park. To overcome this problem, show up to the Parks prepared with portable chargers for everyone. Ensure your phone and portable chargers are fully charged before heading to the Parks. Then toss that charger and all are charging cords into your Park bag.
Although Disney does have FuelRod stations where you can purchase a portable charger, you can buy cheaper ones before your trip.
Have a charging station set up in your hotel room for each evening so you will start your day on a positive note.

Tired Feet
If you have been reading about a Walt Disney World vacation, then you have probably already learned that Walt Disney World is huge, and because of this, you walk a lot. Guests typically walk between eight to twelve miles per day while on vacation. Most of us don’t do this normally, so our feet can get tired quickly.
To help eliminate extra walking, think through a plan for the day. Consider where you want to start your day and how you will travel around the Park. If you constantly cross back and forth from Tomorrowland to Frontierland at Magic Kingdom, you are adding a lot of additional steps you don’t need.

Schedule some downtime during your trip as well. This might be more minor breaks throughout the day where you enjoy a meal, a show, the pool, or even a nap. If you have a longer trip, consider scheduling a whole rest day. Take a whole day to relax at the pool or your Disney Resort. Stay off your feet and let them recover.
Your feet aren’t used to walking so much, and having sore feet is a common problem at Walt Disney World. Come prepared with a plan to take breaks, and drink water each day.

Getting Caught in the Rain
We know you’ll probably check the weather obsessively before heading to Walt Disney World for your vacation, but we want to warn you about not packing rain gear.
Rain pops up randomly at Walt Disney World, and it will be a big problem if you show up unprepared for it. Even if the weather app says there is no rain, we suggest having some rain gear with you.
Throw in some ponchos, rain jackets, and umbrellas, even if it doesn’t say rain in the forecast.
The other problem that can arise from the rain is wet shoes and socks. Consider packing extra shoes or sandals you would toss in your bag for the downpours to prevent walking around in wet shoes all day.
Rain can be a big problem you will face in Walt Disney World; however, if you go in prepared, you can continue your magical vacation.

People Will Get Crabby
No one wants to talk about this, but know that it will probably happen during your Walt Disney World vacation.
Family members will get tired, hungry, or overstimulated, which can result in a family disagreement. It might be about what ride to go next, where to have a snack, or how long you can stay at the pool.
If you are in a family disagreement, don’t freak out or feel wrong; instead, take a moment and step back. Try to go into the vacation with an open mind and be flexible. Know that if you need to adjust your plans, that is okay. Remember, you don’t have to do everything.
Take some downtime in the Resort to relax or even consider splitting up to allow for some time away from one another. By doing this, you will find everyone in a lot better spirits.
Take Bathroom Breaks
This might seem silly and common sense, but when you enter the Parks, it is easy to forget to stop for a restroom break. Because of this, you might end up in line, and someone needs to use the bathroom.
Try to be proactive by taking bathroom breaks each hour, so this hopefully won’t be an issue.
If you end up in a line and someone has to use the bathroom, look for a Cast Member to explain the situation and see what they suggest.
Taking a few extra minutes to stop at the bathroom is well worth not having the stress of having to go while waiting in line.
These are some common hiccups that occur during Walt Disney World vacations. We hope that by bringing them to your attention before your trip, you will be more prepared to handle them.