Disney ParksPlanningTips
How to Prepare for the Heat in Walt Disney World

It might be hard to imagine heat and humidity as we are in the middle of snow and cold temperatures, but the heat will be coming to Walt Disney World before we know it.
Even though we all think we can handle it, the heat and humidity in the Disney Parks and throughout the Walt Disney World Resort is different than when you are relaxing at home. We have some key tips to help you prepare for these conditions when you are on your Disney vacation.

First and foremost make sure you stay hydrated. There are also sorts of ways you can make sure you have water at the ready when visiting Walt Disney World.
If you want bottled water, consider having it delivered to your Disney Resort to save money. You can do this through Walmart, Amazon Prime Now, Garden Grocer and a variety of other options. This will save you lots of money in the Theme Park.
Bring your own, cute Disney refillable cup into the Disney Parks. You can find water filling stations throughout the Parks as well as you can get free water from most quick service dining locations.
Consider investing in some hydration packets as well. These are a great way to help combat dehydration throughout the vacation.
Water is so essential when it comes to beating the heat and humidity in Walt Disney World.
Even if you aren’t a hat wearer normally, consider purchasing a cute hat or visor to keep yourself protected from the sun and the harsh rays. This can really help keep your face from overheating.
There are lots of cute Disney hats and visors out there to choose from so find out that will add some Disney magic to your outfit.
This might seem obvious, but make sure you pack sunscreen and enough of it. You will want to reapply throughout the day to make sure you stay projected.
Since you will be sweating a lot, it will be important to reapply throughout the day. Consider looking into face sunscreen, chapstick with SPF and an overall sunscreen to use.
If you have little ones, make sure you have sunscreen that you will be able to apply easily and sometimes that is a lifesaver.

Portable Fans
A portable fan might seem silly but it can be amazing when waiting in line and the air isn’t moving at all.
There are lots of great rechargeable options on Amazon that are easy to toss into your Disney Park bag and easily have on hand.
We like being able to turn these on when we are waiting in a crowd of people and there isn’t a breeze to be found. Having slight air movement can really help keep the body cool and save the moment.
Another way to protect yourself from the sun is by having an umbrella. There are actually special UV umbrellas that are designed to protect you from the sun’s rays.
When standing on the asphalt, waiting in line for a ride with the sun beating down on you can be crippling. Using an umbrella to shield yourself when there is no cover can really change the moment.
Take Breaks
Give yourself a break from the heat and humidity during the middle of the day by heading out of the Parks and enjoying some time away from the crowds.
It is easy to want to keep going once you are in a Disney Park, but when it is super hot and humid your body will need a break.
Take a nap, go to the pool or just sit in your Resort room. All of these will allow your body temperature to come back down and your body to recover so you are ready for the rest of the day.
Air conditioner Hop
If you don’t want to take the time to head back to your Resort, consider air conditioning hopping. Look at some of the shows and experiences that would put you in air conditioning. This can be a great way to still enjoy the Parks but stay cool.
Rides like the Carousel of Progress, Mickey’s Philharmagic and Country Bear Jamboree are all examples of this in Magic Kingdom. They hold lots of Guests and offer a nice, longer break from the heat.
Knowing these options before arriving at the Parks can really help you continue to enjoy the Disney magic while staying cool.

Schedule Meals
Another way to get out of the heat is to schedule meals. You can choose to have meals in the Disney Parks or at nearby Disney Resorts.
Meals are not only a great way to get out of the heat, but it also allows your body to refuel and you can experience different Disney Resorts.
Go Early or Stay Late
Finally, when trying to stay out of the heat and humidity try to plan on being at the Parks when the sun isn’t as extreme.
Head to the Parks early in the morning when the sun hasn’t reached the peak or head there in the evenings when the sun has gone down.
Not only are crowds typically lower during these times, but the heat is a lot easier to handle.
The heat and humidity can be extremely difficult to handle if you aren’t prepared for it when you arrive on your Walt Disney World vacation. We hope that this list will help you be more prepared and ready for it when you arrive.
Look at how you can deal with the rain by checking it out HERE.
If you haven’t visited Walt Disney World in a while, make sure you check out how it has changed HERE.
Get help with packing HERE.