Walt Disney World is awesome. Period. No matter how many times I go, it never ever gets old. But if you are looking for some tips to make your next Disney experience even better, here is a collection of some of my favorite ways to up the awesome factor…
10. Build Anticipation – Utilize the weeks and months before your trip to build excitement. There are so many fun ways to get your family in the Disney spirit. Creating matching shirts, collecting coins, and doing a paper chain are some of my favorites. Even if there are no kids in your party, a simple countdown on your phones could be enough to make you smile bigger each day. Check out some other great ways to build anticipation in this article.
9. Pack Like a Pro – If glancing at a suitcase stresses you out, then prepping for Disney is going to be slightly less magical than intended. Don’t worry! Packing right doesn’t have to be a pain. Check out this helpful article to gather your thoughts about the best things to bring to Disney. (And never fear – there are always shops there!)
8. Book a Reservation – Saving money by packing lunches or eating counter service meals is incredibly smart. But if you can, budget in at least one table service meal to inject a dose of awesome into your trip. If you have kids, I think a character dining experience is totally worth the time and money. Check out our character dining recommendations in this article, and don’t forget to book your favorites well in advance.
7. Plan Fast Passes – Fast Passes are the key to park efficiency. How did we ever do Disney without them? Try to pick Fast Passes for the rides that typically have the longest wait times, and try to schedule them early in the day. (Once your original three Fast Passes are used, you can pick more at the kiosks.) For more Fast Pass tips check this out.
6. Do Non-Park Stuff – Disney World is more than just the four parks. There is SO much AWESOME stuff to do on-property! If you can, leave at least two days open for all the non-park activities that are available (sometimes for free!). For tips on how to spend your non-park days at Disney check out this article.
5. Resort Hop – Each of the themed resorts at Disney World has its own charm and its own awesomely unique set of things to experience. If you have the time, resort-hopping is a great way to experience the fun at each resort, even if you’re not staying there. I especially recommend resort-hopping if you visit near Christmas – the decorations are breathtaking! Here’s a list of some of our favorite resorts to add to your hopping list.
4. Collect – In my opinion, building a collection of something is an awesome way to personalize your trip and gather memories for reminiscing in the future. Plus, collections keep you coming back for more! Disney is a great place for collectibles. From crystals to coins, there’s a collectible for every budget. Check out some of my favorite collectibles that won’t break the bank in this article.
3. Snack – As I mentioned above, packing food is a great way to save money at Disney. I’ll often pack a picnic lunch, and then promise my kids a fun Disney snack during the afternoon. And boy does Disney know how to do snacks! Of course there are your favorite standbys: Mickey bars, popcorn, pretzels, etc. But I say, if you’re looking to make your next trip awesome, snack like you mean it! Check out these scrumptious selections at the Magic Kingdom for starters.
2. Splurge – Yes, Disney isn’t cheap. But if awesome is your mission, try adding in a special splurge. You don’t have to go overboard. Just adding in a special tour or a fun meal could really make some great memories, without totally busting the budget. Here’s a list of splurge-worthy treats for varying budgets.
1. Relax – Don’t forget: awesome starts with YOU! Relax and enjoy your vacation. Don’t stress the small stuff or rush to “do it all”. Set the tone for family fun and your Disney vacation will be nothing less than amazing.
Have an awesome trip!
BONUS TIP: Consider planning and booking your next Disney trip with an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner you can trust like MickeyTravels. They’ll help you get the best Walt Disney World deal, share expert advice and their services are totally FREE! It’s genius!