Disney ParksDisney ResortsPlanning
The Most Important Items You MUST Pack for a Disney Vacation

It can be overwhelming when it comes to packing for Walt Disney World. Trying to determine what to bring and what to leave behind can be stressful. To help you with packing, we have the essential items you will want to make sure you pack for your upcoming trip.

Portable Charger
A portable charger is the first item you must pack for your Walt Disney World trip. During their trip, Guests need access to the official Disney app- My Disney Experience. This app is their connection to magic. My Disney Experience is where Guests can see wait times, use Genie+, order food, and even see where bathrooms are located.
Packaging a portable charger will allow you to keep your phone charged during the day. This will keep everyone connected to the magic throughout the day. This is essential to a successful day in Disney Parks.

Good Shoes
Guests can walk up to 12 miles per day at Walt Disney World. Because of this, it is essential to have good shoes packed for everyone. We highly recommend ensuring everyone tests their shoes before arriving at Walt Disney World. This can help prevent significant issues when walking around the Parks.
Even if you test out your shoes, we recommend having a backup pair. Sometimes the heat, humidity, and many miles cause blisters and rub where they usually don’t by having a backup pair. Being able to switch out your shoes can make a huge difference.
This is also important if you get caught in a rainstorm. Instead of worrying about wet shoes, you can switch out while the wet ones dry. Don’t forget to pack good walking shoes for everyone.

Rain Gear
Even if the weather channel says there won’t be any rain, we highly recommend packing rain gear. Rainstorms pop up suddenly at Walt Disney World. This means you will want to have ponchos or umbrellas packed and ready to use.
Toss in those cheap rain ponchos. They don’t take a lot of room, but they can save the day when it begins to rain while you are in Disney Parks.

Chaffing Stick
There is nothing worse than dealing with chaffing during a Disney vacation. With so much walking, sweating, and more walking, chances are good that you will have some chaffing. Disney pros are ready for those issues by having chaffing sticks packed. These are amazing and help keep those legs and feet (and anywhere else) happy. It is so worth having!
Think about bringing Moleskin as well if you tend to get blisters. Moleskin lets you stick it over the blister to help ease the pain and prevent more rubbing. With how much walking you will be doing, this can save the day.

Sun Gear
We all love heading down to Walt Disney World to enjoy the sunshine. To make sure you can enjoy the sun, make sure you bring items to keep everyone safe. Start by packing sunscreen and lots of it. Make sure you can reapply throughout the day.
We also recommend bringing cooling towels, fans, and hydration packets. The heat and humidity can be hard to handle. Having these items with you can help everyone manage the sun in the Parks.

When traveling to Walt Disney World, don’t forget to pack your primary over-the-counter medicine. Although you can find most items throughout Walt Disney World, having these items with you will be much cheaper and less stressful.
Think about what your family might need when it comes to medicine. Allergy medicine, stomach medicine, and medicine for headaches are all great items to have packed for Walt Disney World. The combination of new temperatures, late nights, and different foods can cause everyone to feel off at some point during the trip. Having these items packed can make it easy to deal with quickly in the moment.

Snacks and Water Bottle
Guests are allowed to bring snacks and water bottles into Disney Parks. Make sure you pack some for your hotel room. Snacks make it easy to keep everyone happy when arriving back at the hotel room or while waiting in line.
Making sure everyone has a water bottle is also essential. These will keep you hydrated, which is critical to having a successful day in the Parks.
A commonly forgotten item traveling to Walt Disney World is sunglasses. These should be remembered as you rush to the airport. Make sure you have sunglasses by packing a pair in your carry-on or suitcase. Doing this will ensure that they make it on vacation with you.
It can be tough to be in a Disney Park without sunglasses, so ensure everyone has a pair packed for the trip. Even though you can find some adorable Disney-themed ones in the Parks, you may want to save that money for something else.

Even if you are traveling during the summer months, make sure you pack layers. You might find yourself chilly when enjoying a meal at one of Disney’s excellent table-service restaurants. This can also happen when enjoying one of Disney’s amazing shows, such as the Festival of the Lion King or the Hall of Presidents. These shows are often chilly, and having an extra layer can make the experience much more enjoyable.
You must pack these essential items for your Walt Disney World vacation. These items will help you have a magical time in Walt Disney World.