Disney ParksPlanningTips
Incredibly Useful Disney Pro Tips You Will Want to Know

We all want to feel like Disney pros when we arrive at our Walt Disney World vacation. From knowing what are the top rides to finding the best snacks, the Disney pros seem to know it all. We want you to also know it all. Today we are going to share some top pro decisions for your Walt Disney World vacation.
By making these decisions you too will be a Disney pro!
Plan Early
Disney pros are well aware that travel is back at Walt Disney World Resort. We have seen crowds return in 2022 and it doesn’t look like they will be going anywhere as we head into 2023. Because of this, Disney pros know that it is important to make those plans early.
In order to get your top Disney World Resort, top room, as well as Park Reservation of choice, you will want to make these bookings early on. As soon as you know your dates, put down that $200 deposit. This is refundable up to 30 days prior to travel. Doing so will help you be able to enjoy that top Resort and Park of choice.
Use My Disney Experience
Disney pros are Disney pros because they know how to navigate My Disney Experience. This is the app that Disney uses throughout Walt Disney World and it is truly essential to a successful Disney vacation.
Disney pros spend time navigating the app before their Disney vacations. They get familiar with where important features such as Disney Genie, mobile ordering, and wait times are located. Doing this before arriving can make using the app a lot less stressful.

Mobile Ordering
A major pro decision you will want to make throughout your Walt Disney World vacation is to use mobile ordering. This is a feature found within My Disney Experience. It is through this option that Guests are able to place their food order digitally without having to even be in the quick service area.
Guests can select their dining location and then place their order once a return time has been selected. When that return window is up, they are able to head to the quick service area and press the prepare my order option. Cast Members then prepare the order fresh and have it ready to pick up.
Disney pros know that this is a time saver as well as way less stressful than waiting in line to place orders at a quick service location.
No matter if they are going for a day or a week, Disney pros make the conscious decision to rest. It is so important to schedule some break time during a Disney vacation. The heat and the walking can take a lot out of you. Disney pros know how to schedule rest time.
Rest time can be back at your Disney Resort for a nice swim. These breaks can also be taken in the Parks or even at nearby Disney Resorts. No matter which will be your style, make sure you are like the pros and schedule time to rest.

Dress Ready to Walk
Disney pros know that comfort has to come before cute when it comes to a Walt Disney World vacation. We all love having our adorable Disney outfits, but it is also important that we are dressed for the occasion.
Disney pros make sure that their outfits will be comfortable in the heat. They know that they need to be able to walk around and get in and out of ride vehicles throughout the day.
Comfortable shoes are also a top priority for Disney pros. Making sure that you have shoes that are both broken in and you can walk a lot of miles in is essential to being able to enjoy the Parks.
Pros know that dressing for comfort is how you will be successful and able to enjoy the day. No one wants sore feet.
It Rains
No matter what the weather app tells them, Disney pros always show up at the Disney Parks with rain gear. They know that it will probably rain at some point during their visit and they want to be prepared for it.
Rain doesn’t have to slow down your fun. You just need to be prepared for it so you can continue to enjoy the magic.
Be like the Disney pros and throw in that rain gear.

Plan It Out, but Be Flexible
No matter how long they plan to be in Disney Park, Disney pros head in with a plan. They know overall what they want to accomplish before they enter the Park for the day. This is important because it helps set the goals and focus for the day.
We recommend having a top-five list of what you want to do that day. What food, rides, and entertainment is a must-do?
Once you know this information, then be like the Disney pros and be flexible with your plans. If you come across a dance party, slow down and dance it out. Don’t skip the magical moments in front of you just because they aren’t in the plan for the day.
Having a plan as you enter the Park is important for a successful day, but being flexible within that plan is also important.
We hope that these useful Disney pro tips will help you have a wonderful vacation at Walt Disney World. Disney pros know how to enjoy the magic without getting super stressed and we hope you will do the same with these tips.