BIG Disney Packing Mistakes You Won’t Want to Make

When packing for Walt Disney World, you might feel like you need to bring the whole house. You have to determine how many different outfits your kids will need per day in the heat to try to determine how many Minnie ears might be needed for a trip.
This is a lot to try to figure out, but we do encourage you to check out our many posts on How to Disney about packing to help you out. We have some big packing mistakes that you won’t want to make as they could really impact your Disney vacation if you do.

Forgetting Layers
We might all wish that Walt Disney World was always a nice 70-80 degrees, but that isn’t the case. There are days when the Disney Parks can be cool or actually cold.
Because of this, you will want to make sure that you have layers for everyone. Consider tossing in a light jacket or something you can easily toss on over your tank or shirts.
Layers can be extremely helpful during the warm months as well. Moving in and out of air conditioning can be a lot to adjust to. Having something you can toss on while inside a show or at a restaurant can just make you feel more comfortable.
Having layers packed can save you a lot of money on a Disney sweatshirt you might not need (see photo above).

I am extremely guilty of this as I feel like I have to pack two to three of everything. That isn’t the case. Realize that the Walt Disney World Resorts all have laundry facilities and although laundry on vacation isn’t super fun, it can be a lifesaver when it comes to packing.
Check out some of our packing tips on How to Disney for narrowing down your list. Packing less will make moving your suitcase around easier and allow you to bring more souvenirs home.
If you pack so much, it will make your Walt Disney World Resort clustered. Having less stuff in your Walt Disney World Resort will make it that much easier to get around and keep track of everything.

Forgetting Rain Gear
Another big mistake that you won’t want to make is forgetting rain gear. No matter when you visit Walt Disney World, you will want to make sure you have rain gear.
Again, it would be amazing if Walt Disney World was in a bubble, but that isn’t the case. Chances are pretty are good that you will experience rain during your Disney vacation.
Having rain jackets, ponchos, and umbrellas can make a big difference when those Flordia rain storms pop up. Being able to toss on a poncho and keep on going is great to enjoy some rides with low wait times.
You don’t want to have rain your trip but instead, be prepared with that rain gear so you can splash in the puddles.

Only Having One Pair of Shoes
You will walk a lot in Walt Disney World. Most Guests walk between eight to ten miles per day. As this isn’t normal for most of us, it is important to make sure that you have the appropriate footwear.
We highly recommend having tennis shoes that will allow you to walk around easily in the Disney Parks. We also suggest that you have an extra pair of shoes as a backup.
This is important for more than one reason. One, if your shoes do start to cause problems with blisters, you can switch them out. Second, if you get stuck in a major rainstorm and your shoes get soaked, you aren’t stuck with wet shoes for the rest of the vacation.
Making sure that your shoes are broken in and comfortable for walking is key for happy feet during your Walt Disney World vacation.
Not Leaving Room for Souvenirs
No matter how much your try to avoid purchasing souvenirs, chances are good that you will end up with a new set of Minnie ears, a plush, puzzle, or some new spirit jerseys. Because of this, you want to make sure you have a plan for bringing them home.
If you don’t have room in your suitcase for souvenirs, consider tossing them in a small duffle bag. These fold up or roll up nicely, don’t take up a lot of room, but can be a fantastic way to get those extra goodies home from Walt Disney World.
Avoid those charges at the airport but head down with a plan on how you are going to bring some of the magic back with you.

Forgetting the Heat
Just like we mentioned being prepared for the rain, is another big mistake that Guests make when packing for Walt Disney World is not preparing for the heat. We all know that it gets hot and humid in Walt Disney World, but being prepared for it is a whole different situation.
Make sure that you pack sunscreen and a lot of it. You will be able to purchase sunscreen at Walt Disney World but it would save you a lot of time and money if you remember to bring it with you.
We also recommend bringing cooling towels and portable fans. These two items are great to have in the Parks to keep yourself cool. A lot of the queues don’t have a lot of air movement so having a portable fan can make a huge difference.
By being aware of these major Disney packing mistakes you will be setting yourself up for a successful Disney vacation.