Disney ParksPlanningTips
10 Little Known Tricks for a Magical Day in Disney

Everyone wants to have a magical trip to Walt Disney World. But how do we go about achieving this during our Disney vacations? We will share ten little-known tricks to help you have a magical day in Disney.

10. Do Your Research
A successful and magical day at Walt Disney World starts before you leave home. Because Walt Disney World is so big, you need to take some time to do a little research before you head down. Reading blogs such as How to Disney is a great start.
Get to know what is offered throughout Walt Disney World. Learn the language because Disney does have its own. Learning what specific phrases mean, such as Genie+, mobile order, or Early Entry before you head down, can be extremely helpful.
Taking some time to learn about Walt Disney World can be a huge help in enjoying your vacation.
9. Have a Plan
The next step for success is to head into the vacation with an overall plan. Walt Disney World is a massive property with four Theme Parks, two water Parks, twenty-plus Resorts, and Disney Springs. To successfully navigate your way around, you will need a plan.
Start by looking at what you want to experience at each Disney Park. Focus on five must-do attractions and experiences each day. By having this plan ahead of time, you will be more focused in the Parks and waste less time trying to figure out what to do.

8. Take Breaks
It can be easy to get wrapped up in the magic, but to enjoy it; you need to take breaks. Breaks are important as they allow everyone to rest and reset, making more room for magic.
A great way to take breaks is by heading back to your Disney Resort in the afternoons. Enjoy the fantastic pools, or take a nap.
If you don’t want to head back to your Resort, think about visiting Disney Resorts that are nearby. Take a monorail or Skyliner ride to visit other Resorts on the property. This can be a great way to escape crowds but enjoy some additional Disney magic.
Don’t try to push through from opening to closing each day of your trip. This can lead to frustration and meltdowns. Schedule downtime so everyone can stay rested.
7. Go Early
We know people don’t like getting up early on vacations, but it can be a game changer during a Disney vacation. A great way to experience some magic at Walt Disney World is to be at the Parks before opening.
Take advantage of Early Entry if you are staying at a Walt Disney World Resort. This allows you to enter the Parks thirty minutes before the posted opening time. Not only is there something magical about watching the Parks come alive, but mornings are also a lot less busy.

6. Enjoy Your Resort
Part of Disney’s magic is the Walt Disney World Resorts. These Resorts are amazingly themed and transport Guests to unique places just like Parks do. Don’t get so focused on the Parks that you forget to take time to enjoy the Resort you are paying for.
Take time to enjoy the pools, dining, and activities offered. Ask about scavenger hunts and get an activities guide from the front desk. The Resorts always have so much going on that it is the same to miss it.

5. Prepare for the Weather
We all hope for sunny, nice days at Walt Disney World; however, that isn’t always the reality during a vacation. Don’t let this ruin the magic for you. Come prepared for rain, heat, and even cold weather.
Depending on your vacation schedule, take time to pack rain gear, cooling fans, or layers. Doing so will allow you to navigate the magic no matter what the weather happens to be. We have more tips about managing the weather in Disney HERE.
4. Hydrate
Another major tip to help you have a magical day is to keep everyone hydrated. Dehydration, especially during the summer months, is a major concern when in Disney. Make sure you have water bottles for everyone, and even think about bringing hydration packets.
By going in with a plan, you will be able to keep everyone happy and hydrated while enjoying all the magic.

3. Use My Disney Experience
To have a magical day at Walt Disney World, you must learn about the My Disney Experience app. We highly recommend taking time to do this before your vacation.
The My Disney Experience app is essential for navigating Walt Disney World and will help you have a magical time. Find some of the app’s main features HERE so you can be ready when you arrive.

2. Be Flexible
Sometimes, what can take away from the magic of Disney is to remember to be flexible. While it is important to have a plan, it is also essential to be flexible. Part of doing research and planning is that you can change your plan when needed.
Doing this can allow you to find different magic when things are not going as planned. By being flexible, you won’t find yourself forcing the family to enjoy moments when they might not be ready for them. Allow things to be skipped or pushed back if it is what the family needs.

1. Enjoy the Moment
The number one trick for having a magical time at Walt Disney World is to enjoy the moment. We often get so focused on rushing from ride to ride that we fly right past magic. Slow down and make sure you are taking in the small magical moments.
The tiny magical moments are what make Walt Disney World special. Enjoy the Dapper Dans as you walk down Main Street, U.S.A., allow your kids to eat a Mickey bar while you watch the stage show for the third time, or enjoy the fantastic popcorn while sitting on a bench together.
These are the moments that make Disney genuinely magical. Don’t rush past them during your trip.