5. Disneyland 2.0
In 1964, Walt Disney began working on something called “The Florida Project,” a larger theme park that would continue to grow and evolve as time went on. The most definitive icon of the Walt Disney World Resort is of course The Magic Kingdom. The Magic Kingdom has often been called “Disneyland, but better.” On the surface, that statement is true. However, Disneyland and The Magic Kingdom are two different animals entirely. There are of course the obvious cosmetic differences: Disneyland has Sleeping Beauty’s castle, Disney World has Cinderella’s, etc., but the rabbit hole goes much farther than that. Each land, ride, attraction, and surprise is a completely different experience. While Disneyland has the same classic atmosphere it’s always been famous for, The Magic Kingdom is constantly changing and adapting with the rest of the Walt Disney World Resort. It has it’s familiar sights like The Emporium, Splash Mountain, and the railroads, but it is also home to more modern marvels such as New Fantasyland, The Seven Dwarves Mine Train, and the Be Our Guest Restaurant. Though not as historic as it’s cousin in California, The Magic Kingdom remains an symbol of Walt Disney’s innovation and imagination. A park designed to keep moving forward.