4. Frontierland
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is all the way at the far corner of Frontierland, so remember this when you reserve your FastPass. Splash Mountain is only a few yards from Big Thunder, so while you’re in the area, take a seat in a hollowed out log for a flume ride through the fantastic world of “Song of the South”, with music, animation and a 5-story drop toward the end, whoosh and splaaaash! Before or in between these two attractions, take a ride on a motorized log raft over to Tom Sawyer’s Island, and spend a little while discovering the make believe world of Tom Sawyer. Families can cross a barrel bridge, swinging bridge, explore caves, an old Fort, or just relax a few moments in a rocking chair while watching the Liberty Belle steamboat rolling along on the Rivers of America. After touring this adventuresome island, step aboard one of Tom Sawyer’s rafts for a quick trip back to Frontierland to continue your magical day at the Magic Kingdom.