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Family Feud Erupts Over Father’s Decision to Borrow Money for Disney Trip

A father shared how he borrowed money from his sister to send his son on a band trip to a Disney Park, only for his wife to raise issues.
Going to a Disney Park—whether the Walt Disney World Resort or the Disneyland Resort—is a dream come true for many guests from all over the world. However, as many know, being able to afford a trip to Disney isn’t necessarily easy (think theme park tickets to park hopping and food). Be it Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resort, it costs a pretty penny to make the Disney vacation happen.

Father Asks His Sister for Money to Send His Son on a Band Trip to Disney
A father took to Reddit to ask whether he was in the wrong for asking his sister for help to fund his son’s band trip to Disney. The OP explained the situation:
My (31M) wife (40F) has two sons from a previous marriage (16M and 17M) and I have one son (15M) from a failed relationship. Both of our kids are in band and spring break is coming up and they are going on a 5 day band trip starting on the 27th. I was excited for my son as I could tell he was excited as well but when I saw how much it cost ($1,950).

The father explained that he couldn’t afford to pay for his son’s band trip to Disney; he also knew his wife hadn’t paid for their step sons’ trip, their father had. Since going on the band trip meant a lot to his son, he asked his wife if she would consider asking her ex to pay for his son as well, with the stipulation he would pay him back.

The OP explained his wife was uncomfortable with that, which he understood. Then, the OP went to his sister to explain, and his sister and her husband immediately helped out.
Later, when the father explained to his wife how he got the money, she became “extremely upset” and said “that it was unfair of me to ask them and that I went behind her back” to get it for his son. The wife also continued the husband was “letting my son think he can get anything he wants, and he should understand that’s not the way the world works.”

In the comments, fans were generally sympathetic to the father trying to ensure his son could enjoy the Disney World trip. They also called out the wife’s behavior.
One wrote, “I applaud your honesty with your son and doing what you need to do to make this happen. Im not sure why your wife has an issue with this. But it does give me wicked step mother vibes – her kids can go on the nice trip, but she doesnt want your son to have something nice.”

What do you think of this situation? Who is in the wrong?
This post Family Feud Erupts Over Father’s Decision to Borrow Money for Disney Trip appeared first on Disney Dining.