1. Child Measurement
This one element of your Disney Vacation can turn your magical trip into a miserable memory, even at Disney World. Okay, so you’re all ready to take a thrill ride on Space Mountain, and one thing your forgot before your trip was to make sure your children are the correct height for those rides with height restritions, like Space Mountain. As you approach the height check sign, you are praying your children’s anticipation of their first ride on Space Mountain will not be dashed. Then it happens—one of your children does not meet the height requirement, and suddenly time freezes as looks of utter shock begin to form on that child’s face as the tears begin to flow. It is every Disney parent’s nightmare. The “tall enough” siblings are jumping with delight, while the one “too short” child is in pure misery. My solution: promise them whatever they want to make up for their disappointment—a new game system, money, special privileges at home; whatever it takes to get them happy again. For all you parents out there, check out height restrictions on all rides at Walt Disney World. Save yourselves from this stressful situation; check those height restrictions.
Walt Disney World is definitely one of the best vacation spots in the world and may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many families, so any mishap or mistake in the planning phases could cause some bad memories. All in all, there are only a few instances that would take away the magic of your special Disney vacation. With careful planning and research, your trip can be the “best ever” Walt Disney World experience!