1. Dole Whip
Okay, if you’ve already experienced this heavenly refreshment, I don’t need to explain why this is the finest frozen treat is all the “World”. For those who have not had this glorious treat, I will do my best to convey how delightful a Dole Whip is. Dole Whip is a non-dairy, pineapple flavored, soft serve frozen dessert that will bring a wave of tropical island breezes to your entire body. You can find this very sought after frozen delight at the Aloha isle counter service venue located in Adventureland near the Magic Carpets of Aladdin attraction. You can get the Dole Whip in a cup or in a plastic glass of cold pineapple juice, as a float. Also offered is a fresh-cup pineapple spear or a plastic glass of refreshing pineapple juice.
I can’t find the best sensory words to describe this wonderful concoction; just the letters: ahhhhhhhh! which summarizes how you feel after enjoying the famous “Dole Whip”.
Well, there you have it. This is my list of the ten iconic foods you will find at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. I have personally indulged in all of the above, and have delighted in their flavors. In addition to all the rides, attractions, entertainment, magic, and fantasy that is Disney World, there is the food, and we all need food. The food choices at the Magic Kingdom are phenomenal, and you have to visit many times to sample all the different meals, snacks, and desserts. I suggest having you and your family or friends each order something different and pass the food around to find out your favorite. It’s fun and informative! Bon Appetit!