8. Golden Oak Outpost
And now, controversy within controversy. The Golden Oak Outpost in Frontierland comes in at number 8, despite having a list of entrées and sides that you can count on exactly 2 fingers. And those would be chicken breast nuggets and waffle fries. And while they are darn good chicken breast nuggets and waffle fries, Golden Oak comes in a little bit higher on the list based on the hopes of many guests that they will bring back their novelty topped waffle fries – even if only seasonally. Once serving everything from barbecue pork waffle fries and brown gravy and cheese waffle fries to BLT waffle fries and Tex-Mex waffle fries, Golden Oak has slimmed down its menu to the bare bones – or fries, as it were. But a return to glory is only one public outcry away!
Photo Credit: Disney