15. Turtle talking
After learning to live with the land the best course of action is to head for the seas. You’ll find plenty of awesome aquatic sights to see and interactive pursuits to explore within the Seas with Nemo & Friends, including the popular ride for which this pavilion (formerly known as “The Living Seas”) was renamed. One such experience you can’t pass up is Turtle Talk with Crush. This show is presented in a real-time format in which guests enter into a theater with a large aquarium-like window screen. Then you will be greeted by none other than Crush, the famed green turtle from Finding Nemo, as he swims up to the glass overlooking the “human-tank” where you are gathered. Then the real fun begins as he leads personal one-on-one conversations with various members in the audience. Each experience is an individual, unique installment. You can even expect appearances by other fun characters from both Finding Nemo and Finding Dory as they swim on by.