1. Fitness Center
The fitness center is conveniently located within Senses Spa. It has all of the amenities you’d typically find in a standard recreational center: treadmills, weights, stair-climbing machines, and more. You can even schedule a fitness consultation, work with a trainer, or take a class. There’s no extra fee to use the fitness center and many of its services. It’s typically open from 6 A.M. to 10 P.M. and is definitely worth checking out if you’re into health and fitness.
An experience on the high seas with Disney is simply exquisite. Each ship has its own unique feel and variety of offerings. Cruising is an excellent opportunity to see the world without having to shuffle from place to place. When you cruise with Disney, you have a base to come home to after each daily activity and excursion, which is especially convenient for families. While planning your next cruise, don’t forget to pinpoint what you want to do and plan ahead!
Photo Credit: Disney