9. Pressed pennies and quarters
Pressed pennies and pressed quarters are probably the most inexpensive souvenirs you can bring home with you as a memento of your time in the parks. As you explore each of the four theme parks at Disney, you will find pressed penny and pressed quarter kiosks, often inside shops. Pressed pennies cost $0.51 each ($0.50 to press a penny plus the penny itself). Pressed quarters cost $1.25 each ($1.00 to press a quarter plus the quarter itself). At each kiosk, there are multiple choices of images that can be pressed into your penny or quarter. Some images include the words “Walt Disney World.” Some images are inspired by park attractions, Disney characters, Disney World Resort hotels and more. Pressed coins make great souvenirs, and since you can choose which images you want to have pressed into your coins, these souvenirs also have a bit of a personal touch to them—even your kids can participate in choosing images and then watch as the coins are pressed. Use the My Disney Experience app on your phone when you’re in the parks for information on pressed coin kiosk locations.
Note: When pressing pennies, it’s best to use pennies that were minted in 1982 or before because those pennies are 100% copper. Pennies minted after 1982 are made of zinc and copper, and zinc can leave streaks of silver on the penny as it is pressed. Pennies that are 100% copper also hold the shape of the Disney World images better than pennies with zinc in them.