1. A princess must exude a genuine love for Disney.
The part of princess at any Disney Park can only be effectively fulfilled if the young lady portraying the princess has a true affinity for all things Disney—one that doesn’t vanish when she hangs up her ball gown for the evening. It makes sense that if a young lady’s dream is to embody the character of a Disney princess at Walt Disney World, she must love the role before she ever puts on her dress, applies her make-up or arrives at the park. If she isn’t a Disney fan and is merely looking for hourly employment, the role of Disney princess is quite possibly not the best fit for her. As a Disney princess, hers is a role of great responsibility—one that must be taken seriously and to heart—as thousands of adoring Disney fans (many of them children) are looking to her as the one and only Cinderella, Ariel, Aurora, Tiana, Belle, etc. The young lady who fulfills the role of Disney Parks princess is one whose job is to bring Disney’s animated princesses to vibrant life. How she carries herself and exudes a love for Disney will have a direct effect on the developing childhood memories of all the children she encounters in the park. Hers is a role of the utmost importance, and a faux love for Disney will be evident to all of those around her.