There are three types of people in the world—those who visit Walt Disney World every single time they have the opportunity, those who’ve only been once or twice and those who’ve never been. Those who’ve gone so many times they’ve lost count are often referred to Disney World pros. They are the people you interact with at church, school and work who know almost everything about the parks and they are a wealth of information when you’re planning a trip. Those who’ve only been once or twice and those who’ve never yet been through the gates at Disney World are often referred to as Disney World rookies. If you fall in the rookie category, don’t be offended—you too will one day become a pro after your multiple visits, and learning about the parks is half the fun! And because we’d like as many rookies as possible to graduate to pro status, here are a few tips to help you in planning your first trip ever. These tips will even help you if you’re planning your second or third trip!