5. Tickets from illegitimate sources
When planning a trip to the Walt Disney World Resort, it is extremely important that you only purchase tickets through legitimate sources. Craigslist, eBay, and the shops and souvenir stands around Orlando that advertise discounted tickets are not the places where you should be purchasing tickets. Often times these locations are selling tickets that are partially used. When tickets are partially used, only the person who initially began using them will be able to continue using them. So while these tickets may be a steal as you can often find them as low as $40, they can easily become a complete rip-off when you arrive at the gate to enter the park and the tickets are linked to someone else.
There are some instances where you can find legitimate discounted tickets, but be completely trustworthy of these sources before purchasing anything. In some cases, your employer or AAA may be able to secure discounted Disney tickets. In even rarer cases, select travel websites can sometimes offer them as well. As a general rule though, any tourist shack or websites where items can be resold will usually turn out to be sketchy places to buy tickets from.