Character meet-and-greets are one of the very best parts about any Disney trip. That said, not all meet-and-greets are created equal, and as a guest, you actually have some level of control over what kind of experience you have. By going in prepared, you can ensure your meet-and-greet experience is top notch, helping you to make amazing memories to last a lifetime.
So what should you know and what kind of preparations should you make? Try the ideas below to enhance the moment and really connect with your Disney friends.
11. Re-Watch Disney Classics
Start before you ever head out by rewatching as many Disney classics as possible. Meeting characters is much more fun when you actually remember who they are and what they did.
10. Bring a Camera
Pictures or it didn't happen. You simply must get photos with your Disney friends. For this reason, you'll want to make sure to pack a fully charged camera and keep your phone on standby as a backup. Your Disney photos will almost certainly be Instagram-worthy, and they will definitely be amazing mementos.
9. Invest in Memory Maker
Of course, you can also invest in Memory Maker. While this service shouldn't be used as a replacement for your personal camera, it can help ensure you get some really good (and extra magical) pictures of your time in the parks. For this reason, we think Memory Maker is an excellent investment.