4. An Outstanding Award
In 1937, Walt Disney Pictures premiered their first animated feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This was the first time the world had ever seen a full-length animated motion picture, and until it was finally unveiled, there was very little hope for the film. Disney’s advisors cautioned him against the film, fearing that no audience would sit through an hour and a half of animation. The film community called it “Disney’s Folly,” as they were sure that this would be what ruined Disney’s career. Much to the surprise of everyone, the film was a hit. It earned the praise of many critics and many awards, including a very special award presented to Disney at the 11th Annual Oscars. This Oscar was for the Best Animated Feature, an award that has continued to be handed out at every Oscars since. Walt Disney’s custom Oscar was a bit of an oddity, but very special. Walt Disney’s Oscar for Best Animated feature consisted of one regular sized Oscar statue along with seven miniature figures, representing Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The award, along with his other Oscars and accolades can be seen today at the Walt Disney Family Museum.