6. Trail’s End
If you are looking for a similar meal in an environment that is less … interactive, then Trail’s End at Fort Wilderness is the option for you! This restaurant in the middle of the scenic campground is renowned for its high-quality breakfast, lunch, and dinner buffets. For breakfast, you’ll want to make sure that your plate is loaded up with servings of their moist pork, breakfast pizza, vegetable frittata, and ooey-gooey French toast casserole. You’re guaranteed to leave pleased, stuffed, and (likely) in a calmer state of mind.
5. Boma
Situated in the stunning Animal Kingdom Lodge, Boma is the breakfast destination for foodies. The extensive buffet features everything from Americanized favorites to succulent meats to crispy plantains. Like any meal at Boma, all diners are strongly encouraged to take their time to truly drink in the feast that is before them.